Wednesday, September 5, 2007

New job

I started my new job in palliative care on Monday and it has been awesome, everything I hoped it would be so far! I can't say much right now as I'm so tired - I'm switching back to a day work schedule from a night schedule (I went to bed at 6 pm last night). But I wanted to post some photos I took as we were driving out in the city and countryside to travel to our patients homes. We've really been using the four-wheel drive option on the Land Rover!
Traffic jam on Jamaica Road thanks to the cows.

You don't see this much in West Des Moines!
Trying to decide if we can make it through this. The photo doesn't do the treacherous nature justice. We backed up and went another way. Jerry, our translator, is on the right and a local man on the left.
The walking bridge over a flooded road. The flood didn't stop the cyclist but he tipped over in the water about 3 feet later.

Two new friends. One is the daughter (L) and the other is the sister of one of our patients, Leah, who died last month. We went to visit the family to see how they were doing.

Clearing amongst a group of homes we walked through to get to Leah's house.

Jean with some friendly neighbors. You can see the tire in front of the girl on the right - that is the rim to their well and they were getting water.


Anonymous said...

Looks like they could use a few road improvements. In any case, it will keep you from using your lead foot when driving :)

Love, Dad

Michele said...

Hey, I may have had a few speeding tickets but only because the speed limit between Des Moines and St. Louis was only 65! Oh, and that one where I got stopped right in front of the golf course where 50 of my coworkers watched me get a ticket:) Don't the cows remind you of Switzerland?

Anonymous said...

Hi Michele! I can't believe this is the first time I've read your blog. Wow, what an experience you're having! Thank you so much for sharing it all with us through your blog. That is a true blessing! I pray for you as your start your new work with hospice care. I completely understand your desire to be out in the community with the people...God has equipped you with the perfect gifts for working with these desperate people and they are very blessed to have you caring for them, not only physically but also spiritually! Can you have visitors?! :)

Your story is a witness to trusting in God, even when you're not sure what He's up to. Thank you for that also!

Take care and God bless your every moment!

Jane Patton