Saturday, February 2, 2008


We left Santa Cruz de Tenerife on Wednesday and are now heading to Liberia. We are three days into a six day sail and I'm not sure where we are other than off the coast of West Africa somewhere. The sail seems to be much smoother than the last and I have only been sick off and on. Last sail I spent almost the entire time in bed.

The pace on a sail is much slower than usual (except for those who are actually making the ship sail - officers, engineers, etc.). We've had some briefings on Liberia (not much has changed since we left but crime continues to increase), watched a few movies, eaten some great food thanks to our new chef Tyrone and his kitchen crew, and we've had fire/piracy drills.

Here are some miscellaneous photos of Tenerife and of us leaving.


Anonymous said...

Hi- Glad you're not as seasick on this trip.
Also glad that there wasn't a "man overboard" during your drill.

Stay clear of pirates

Love, Dad

Tyrone said...

Thanks for the compliment!