Wednesday, July 4, 2007


This is one of the hospital wards I am working in. It is very close quarters and our Western sensibilities would be very offended by the lack of privacy (because of that ole HIPAA law). Our African ladies love it because they all sit around and sing and do each other's hair.

Here's my bed - I'm very grateful that I got the bottom bunk!

The dock -nothing like Navy Pier in Chicago but it lets us get out and walk around. This is one of the places the kids play (there are around 50 kids on the ship, most under the age of 8).

This is Suah who was blind and received sight. She was the first surgery on this new ship. They are celebrating in the ward. Africans love to celebrate by singing and dancing.

1 comment:

JZ said...

Must be exciting to know that sight was returned to someone.

I like the HUGE amount of private space you have.

Love, Dad